Limited Time 2.99% APR* on Balance Transfers and No Fee!

Simplify your finances! Consolidate your credit card payments and save with a low 2.99% APR on balance transfers for 13 months with No Fee. Balance Transfers help you save on interest charges by paying off outstanding balances elsewhere. With a low 2.99% APR, anything is possible! Use your special balance transfer to:

  • Pay off a high interest balance
  • Save money for planned (and unplanned) expenses
  • Simplify debt with one monthly payment


Start your balance transfer today!

Submit your balance transfer through our Card Management feature in Online or Mobile Access+.

  • Mobile App:
    • Select the "Card Management" link located on your credit card account tile or in the "More" menu.
    • Then, select the "Balance Transfer" link.
    • Locate the "More" button in the bottom menu.
    • Then, select "Balance Transfer" again from the right hand menu and complete the requested details.
  • Online Access:
    • Select the "Card Management" link located on your credit card account tile or under the "Additional Services" menu.
    • Then, select the "Balance Transfer" tile.
    • Select "Balance Transfer" again from the right hand menu and complete the requested details.

Once submitted, Together Credit Union will send payment to the third-party credit card issuer, and the amount requested will be charged to your Together Credit Union Credit Card. Please allow 1-2 cycles for your balance transfer to be fully processed. Processing times may vary, and all payments due must be made on time on both cards until the transfer is complete. 

It's quick, easy, and stress-free. Sign into your account here to get started »


If you do not have Online Access set up or prefer another method you can:


*Federally insured by NCUA. Special intro 2.99% APR (Annual Percentage Rate) for 13 months available on balance transfers made 1/15/2025 - 3/31/2025. After the 13 month promotional period, the variable purchase APR will apply (11.40%-25.00% as of 1/1/2025) based on Visa features and underwriting; rate may vary with the market based on the Prime Rate quoted in the Wall Street Journal. APR can change the first day of the billing cycle in the month following a change in Prime. All loans are subject to approval. Transfers must be requested via a Transfer Form, by calling 800-325-9905, via OnlineAccess, or in person. Transfers made using convenience checks do not qualify. Offer not applicable to current credit union credit card balance. Transfers are subject to credit availability and cannot be used to pay a loan. The credit union reserves the right to refuse to process any transfer request. Payments in excess of the minimum amount due will be allocated to the highest APR first. Please return this completed form to your local branch, mail it to: Together Credit Union, Attn: Card Services, 423 Lynch Street, St. Louis, MO 63118.


Simplify your finances with a Balance Transfer